Think Like a Behaviorist: Behavior 101

Have you ever struggled to understand behavior? Have you ever wanted to learn more about behavior and young children with ASD? Check out this new short, self-paced course from VCU-ACE! The new Think Like a Behaviorist: Behavior 101 course is designed to provide an introduction to behavior and includes easy to understand video explanations from VCU-ACE Technical Assistance Associate and Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Lauren Vetere. In this self-paced course, you can learn to think like a behaviorist but act like a parent, a teacher, a paraprofessional, or a provider!

Course Overview

This self-paced course is designed to address common misperceptions about behavior and children with ASD. Participants will learn about the importance of understanding behavior, the functions of behavior, the basic principles of ABA, common myths about ABA, and the ABCs (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence). Learn how to think like a behaviorist in this first part of a series on behavior 101.

Who Should Take This Course

This course is designed for any professional who supports young children with ASD who will be transitioning into kindergarten. This includes early childhood educators, child care professionals, aides or instructional assistants, administrators, kindergarten teachers, related service providers such as speech and language pathologists (SLPs) or Occupational Therapists (OTs), and families.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe functions of behavior
  • Identify characteristics of ASD that contribute to behavior
  • Describe Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Identify basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Identify different evidence-based practices used to support children with ASD.
  • Describe the ABC chain, or three-term contingency

Module Listing

Module 1: What is behavior?
Module 2: What are the common misconceptions about behavior?
Module 3: What is important to know about behavior?
Module 4: What are the functions of behavior?
Module 5: What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
Module 6: What are common myths about ABA?
Module 7: What are the basic principles of ABA?
Module 8: What are the ABCs?

Continuing Education Units

Points for educators working towards licensure renewal (recertification) may be awarded for completion of this online course. VDOE provides the following requirements regarding professional development activities: Point value: one point per clock/ contact hour; must be a minimum of five hours per activity. We estimate this course to take a total of 12.5 contact hours to complete. Any teacher who wants to use it as a professional development activity for recertification needs prior approval from the school district. The school district will be responsible for designating the actual number of points that a teacher can earn for participating in the course.

* Please note that the course/ training does not meet any of the requirements for initial licensure in special education or any category of licensure endorsement.

Virginia Commonwealth University's Autism Center for Education (VCU-ACE) is funded by the VA Dept. of Education, contract number 881-APE61184-H027A230107. Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Education is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing access to education and employment without regard to age, race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran's status, political affiliation, or disability. If special accommodations are needed, please contact Jennifer McDonough at (804) 828-1851 VOICE or (804) 828-2494 TTY.

Course Login

If you are not registered for this course, you can register online for immediate access.