Administrators: Providing Professional Development for Paraprofessionals

If you are a school division or building administrator and would like to have the paraprofessionals in your division or building register for the VCU-ACE online course, Autism Spectrum Disorder for Paraprofessionals: Providing Effective Instruction and Supports, please see the course information page.

If you are an administrator for a Local Education Agency, such as a Special Education Director, Autism Specialist, Human Resources Director, or other central office personnel and are looking to determine options for training paraprofessionals in your division, there are many options for you to consider. Below you will find information regarding how divisions throughout the Commonwealth have completed the training requirements.

  • Many divisions have used the VCU-ACE online course titled Autism Spectrum Disorder for Paraprofessionals: Providing Effective Instruction and Supports to meet the requirements of H.B. 325 and to develop knowledge and skills in paraprofessionals.
  • Some divisions have supplemented the online course with oversight and instruction by a division level autism specialist to complete the course and to assist paraprofessionals in applying the knowledge and skills learned in the context of the classroom.
  • Other divisions have benefited from the VCU-ACE Train-the-Trainer Model. This model allows for division level personnel to attend training in order to become a VCU-ACE trainer. Trainers can then provide live training developed by VCU-ACE that implements adult learning principles to provide the content which also meet the requirements of H.B. 325.

If you have any questions about providing training or would like to discuss any of the following options, please contact us at

Division Models for Providing Training

The following are examples of what school divisions in Virginia have done to meet the requirements of H.B. 325 and provide professional development for paraprofessionals. Each model provides a brief overview of the division and what was done by that division in collaboration with VCU-ACE.

School Division 1


School Division 2


School Division 3


School Division 4



Each of the four school divisions depicted here determined a model that would best fit their individual needs. If, as an administrator, you have any questions about any of the models or would like to discuss how your school division can complete the training requirements and provide professional development for the paraprofessionals in your division, please contact us at