Administrators: Providing Professional
Development for Paraprofessionals
If you are a school division or building administrator
and would like to have the paraprofessionals in your
division or building register for the VCU-ACE online
course, Autism Spectrum Disorder for Paraprofessionals:
Providing Effective Instruction and Supports,
please see the
information page.
If you are an administrator for a Local Education Agency,
such as a Special Education Director, Autism Specialist,
Human Resources Director, or other central office personnel
and are looking to determine options for training
paraprofessionals in your division, there are many options
for you to consider. Below you will find information
regarding how divisions throughout the Commonwealth have
completed the training requirements.
Many divisions have used the VCU-ACE online course titled
Autism Spectrum Disorder for Paraprofessionals:
Providing Effective Instruction and Supports
to meet the requirements of
H.B. 325 and to develop
knowledge and skills in paraprofessionals.
Some divisions have supplemented the online course with
oversight and instruction by a division level autism
specialist to complete the course and to assist
paraprofessionals in applying the knowledge and skills
learned in the context of the classroom.
Other divisions have benefited from the VCU-ACE
Train-the-Trainer Model. This model allows for
division level personnel to attend training in order
to become a VCU-ACE trainer. Trainers can then provide
live training developed by VCU-ACE that implements
adult learning principles to provide the content
which also meet the requirements of
H.B. 325.
If you have any questions about providing training or
would like to discuss any of the following options,
please contact us at
Division Models for Providing Training
The following are examples of what school divisions in
Virginia have done to meet the requirements of H.B. 325
and provide professional development for paraprofessionals.
Each model provides a brief overview of the division and
what was done by that division in collaboration
with VCU-ACE.
School Division 1
Division Description:
Small, rural division with approximately 50
total paraprofessionals.
All paraprofessionals completed the online course
through VCU-ACE.
Professional Development Plan:
The Special Education Director facilitated the course
with support from VCU-ACE. The Special Education Director
first took the online course to become familiar with the
course content and format. The Special Education Director
then provided oversight and instruction to her designated
group of paraprofessionals to support them in completing
the requirements of the course including leading discussion
boards and answering content related questions. VCU-ACE
provided ongoing support throughout the process.
Follow-Up and Application:
VCU-ACE provides an activity book that includes case
studies as well as activities that aid in applying
the concepts being learned to all participants. The
division utilized this activity book and asked
paraprofessionals to complete the book with their
supervising teacher. The division provided continuing
education points for their teachers to complete the
activity books with their paraprofessionals. This
provided encouragement for teachers and paraprofessionals
to work collaboratively through the content that is
presented in the course and encourage application
of knowledge and skills.
The division was able to train all of their
paraprofessionals in three months. The division
continues to provide ongoing coaching of their
paraprofessionals to promote application of skills.
Additionally, the division will continue to utilize
the online course for any new paraprofessionals
who are hired.
School Division 2
Division Description:
Medium-sized, suburban division with just over
100 paraprofessionals.
All of the paraprofessionals in the division.
Professional Development Plan:
A central office administrator from the division
facilitated the course after taking the online course
to become familiar with the content and format. This
administrator then acted as the instructor for the
course while being supported by VCU-ACE. The
administrator arranged for substitutes for the
paraprofessionals in their division while 20-25
paraprofessionals took the course each month.
The paraprofessionals went to a computer lab in
the school board office each week for one full day
in order to work through the modules and requirements
of the online course. In this model, the administrator
was present in order to support the paraprofessionals
while they were taking the course. This included leading
discussion board questions, answering content related
questions, and assisting with technology needs.
Follow-Up and Application:
The administrator held discussions with the group
about some of the important topics covered in the
course. In addition to instructing for the online
course during specified months, two central office
administrators attended the VCU-ACE Train the Trainer
Model so that they could also provide the live three
day training each year to new paraprofessionals
the division hires.
The division was able to train all of their
paraprofessionals in five months. The division
continues to provide ongoing coaching of their
paraprofessionals to promote application of skills.
Additionally, the division will utilize the live
training they provide through the Train-the-Trainer
Model each year prior to the start of school.
School Division 3
Division Description:
A large, urban school division with approximately
450 paraprofessionals.
The division determined they wanted to train all of
their paraprofessionals but realized with so many,
that they needed to prioritize who was trained first.
The division determined that one-on-one paraprofessionals
who supported a student with ASD and those who worked
in a self-contained classroom for students with ASD
would be the first to receive the training.
Professional Development Plan:
The division collaborated with VCU-ACE to provide the
online course. Multiple central office personnel were
trained to be instructors for the online course.
Groups of 30 paraprofessionals took the course each
month with two central office personnel members
supporting the group during their assigned months.
Paraprofessionals were scheduled to go to a
centralized computer lab once per week for three
hours with an additional day per week set aside if
a participant required extra time. One to two
paraprofessionals are chosen from each building at
a time so that no building has too many
paraprofessionals gone at one time and buildings
can determine and arrange for needed coverage.
While in the computer lab, the two central office
personnel members were able to support
paraprofessionals with the content and any technology
needs. The division also gave the option to
paraprofessionals to take the course online on
their own time if they wanted. If they did so,
paraprofessionals were required to submit their
certificate of completion to human resources.
Follow-Up and Application:
The central office administrators visit classrooms
in the division to determine how skills and knowledge
are being applied. While in classrooms, they can
answer questions, observe paraprofessionals working
with students, and provide feedback.
The division is continuing to work on training all
of their paraprofessionals and provides six groups
per year.
School Division 4
Division Description:
A large, suburban division with over 750
The division decided to train all of the
paraprofessionals within their division.
However, being a large division, administration
found the need to prioritize who received training
first and determined that any paraprofessionals in
their self-contained classrooms and those providing
one-on-one support for students with ASD would be
first to receive the training followed by those in
the general education inclusion settings.
Professional Development Plan:
The provided a multi-tiered approach for their
paraprofessionals to receive the training. To
provide training to the number of people within
their division, the division encouraged
paraprofessionals to take the online course with
VCU-ACE. Finally, the division sent their Autism
Specialists to the Train the Trainer Model and
afterwards, provided monthly live training sessions
for paraprofessionals in their division. The
division holds one to two three day trainings each
month with 30 paraprofessionals in each section
offered. Paraprofessionals were given the option of
which month to register for with the division and
work with their building administrators in order to
assist in finding necessary coverage during that time.
Follow-Up and Application:
The autism specialists in the division visit classrooms
to observe paraprofessionals and how they apply the
knowledge and skills they have learned in the live
training or the online course.
The division has already trained approximately 500
of their paraprofessionals through the online course
and live training. The division is offering monthly
live training opportunities until everyone has been
trained and will continue to hold live trainings at
the beginning of each school year as new people
are hired.
Each of the four school divisions depicted here determined
a model that would best fit their individual needs. If, as
an administrator, you have any questions about any of the
models or would like to discuss how your school division
can complete the training requirements and provide
professional development for the paraprofessionals in your
division, please contact us at