Early intervention supports and services are essential for children with ASD or those suspected of having the disorder. The period in a child's life from birth to age three is a time of tremendous development and growth. Early intervention (also called Part C) works closely with families to provide individualized supports and services that help children develop and gain critical skills. Throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, early intervention services are provided through the Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia.
The resources in this section on early intervention provide valuable information for both family members and early intervention providers. They are designed to help you understand what early intervention is, how it is to be implemented, and why it is important for the young child with ASD.
VCU Autism Center for Excellence Resources
Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Evidence-Based Practices to Teach Students with ASD
Supporting Social Emotional Development in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Teaching Communication to Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Introduction to Functional Communication
Introduction to Teaching Young Children with ASD to Verbally Communicate
Guides and Factsheets
If you, or a family you know, has concerns about a child's development or is looking for more information about making a referral to early intervention, the Referral Guide from the Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia contains specific contact information by county and detailed information about how to make a referral.
The Virginia Department of Education’s Special Education Early Childhood Special Education Page contains information about early childhood services and resources in Virginia.
Vanderbilt’s Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5 by disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country.
The ASD Toddler Initiative promotes evidence-based practices for young children, ages birth to three, with autism spectrum disorder.
Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia is the Part C / early intervention provider for the Commonwealth of Virginia. This website provides extensive information for both parents and providers concerning rules, regulations, and resources for infants and toddlers.
The Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center website provides extensive information including resources, videos, online modules, and other information related to various EI topics and trends.
Zero to Three provides extensive information on behavior, development, and public policy of infant and toddler care.
The Early Head Start National Resource Center provides news, information, resources, and activities for low-income families with infants and toddlers, and pregnant women.
The Virginia Head Start Association's website provides training, advocacy, and resources for parents and providers. Information regarding eligibility and how to find a local Head Start program in VA is also included.
The U.S. Department of Education's webpage for early intervention programs can provide you with performance reports and funding status, as well as, laws, regulations, and guidance.
The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center provides training, resources, conferences, and research related to early childhood education.
The Virginia Cross-sector Early Childhood Professional Development Team promotes planning, implementation and evaluation of professional development with the intent to ensure coordination of all early childhood PD in Virginia.
Videos and Training
The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Toddler Initiative will expand on the work conducted by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders (NPDC-ASD) funded by the Office of Special Education Programs.
What is Early Intervention in Virginia explains what early intervention is, who qualifies, what it looks like, why it works and how to pursue services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The VA Early Intervention Professional Development Center has posted videos on numerous topics related to early intervention including the benefits of early intervention, collaborating with pediatricians, IFSP development, inclusion, and service coordination.
The Infant and Toddler Connection has posted a YouTube video with former Governor Time Kaine speaking on the importance of early intervention in Virginia.
The webinar, Accessing EPSDT for Part C Services: Achieving a Better Fit Between the EI Philosophy and Allowable Medicaid Covered Services, (September 5, 2011) is available online at NECTAC.