

Paraprofessionals are an important part of an educational team and can be very helpful in supporting a student with ASD to be successful in the school setting. According to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), a paraprofessional is a school employee who works under the supervision of a licensed staff member to assist in providing instruction, behavioral support, and other services to students and their families (Adapted from A.L. Pickett, Director for the National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals, City University of New York, 1997).

Paraprofessionals in public schools today are performing a variety of duties, including implementing teacher planned instruction, implementing accommodations and modifications, collecting data, supervising students, providing behavioral support, and providing communication support. Because of the various roles paraprofessionals serve, and because of the increase in the population of students with ASD in Virginia, it is more important than ever for paraprofessionals to be prepared to support students with ASD in the school setting. Below you will find resources that can assist paraprofessionals in their work with students with ASD.

VCU Autism Center for Excellence Resources

Calendar Icon Courses

VCU-ACE has developed an online course for paraprofessionals. Autism Spectrum Disorder for Paraprofessionals: Providing Effective Instruction and Supports is designed to provide paraprofessionals with skills and knowledge needed to support students with an ASD in the school setting. The course runs on a monthly basis, is facilitated by VCU-ACE Staff, and is free to residents of VA.

Evidence-Based Practices to Teach Students with ASD

Strategies for Supporting Positive Behavior in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder


The VCU-ACE Paraprofessionals in Autism Resource and Achievement Project (PARAPro) provides training activities and resources designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of paraprofessionals who support students with ASD.

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) describes the roles of paraprofessionals and provides professional development standards for paraprofessionals.

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, also known as NICHCY, provides information about the work of paraprofessionals and additional resources such as websites, books, and other documents.

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators hosts a website that offers news and resources for paraprofessionals as well as an online newsletter related to issues that affect paraprofessionals.

The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont provides references related to paraprofessionals as well as some full-text articles.

Standards, Guides and Factsheets

Training Standards for Paraprofessionals Assigned to Work with a Teacher Who Has Primary Oversight of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (PDF), (Word), were developed in 2013 by VDOE in collaboration with VCU-ACE. These Training Standards were developed as a result of the passage of House Bill 325.

The Virginia Paraprofessional Guide to Supervision and Collaboration with Paraprofessionals: A Partnership (PDF), (Word), provides guidance on supervising and collaborating with paraprofessionals in the school setting as well as providing a professional development framework.

Videos and Training

Project PARA is supported by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and provides online self study programs. The purpose of the project is to provide training for paraprofessionals and their supervisory teachers to support paraprofessionals to work effectively in the classroom.