Conference Archive 2020

June 24 - 25, 2020

Main Conference Sessions

June 24, 2020
Return to School: What Role will Trauma Play in School and How will You Respond

Watch Archived Presentation

June 25, 2020
The State of the State of Autism in Virginia from the Virginia Department of Education

Watch Archived Presentation

Breakout Sessions

A School District's Self-Determination Success Story

Come experience the journey of York County School Division’s successful collaboration with the I’m Determined (IMD) Project. You will learn, step-by-step, how an initial training on the tools and elements of IMD grew into a district-wide culture of self-determination. We will share lessons learned and successes from multiple points of view including students, teachers, parents, administrators, and I’m Determined staff. Presenters will use a number of interactive strategies and tools to help you foster a culture of self-determination in your school or division.

Creating a Targeted and Sustainable Model for FBA and Behavior Intervention Planning

In this session, Culpeper County Public Schools and VCU-ACE staff will share a process to identify division needs related to FBA and BIP development. A model for virtual training will be shared with attendees of this session. Attendees will be asked to think about a plan for implementing their own virtual model of FBA and BIP training.

Nine Key Components to Help Your Child be Successful Throughout their School Career

This session will cover the 9 Keys to Academic Success as outlined in the Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities. The presenters will share information from VDOE and TTAC and provide additional resources that teachers and schools may use to support families

The Benefits and Application of Concurrent Operant Assessments in Classroom Settings (BCBA CE)

Participants will be introduced to the research and principles behind concurrent operant assessment and their use and benefits in the instructional setting. Participants will learn how to conduct this type of assessment and how to individualize one based on student and environmental characteristics. Participants will have the opportunity to work through a case study and design their own concurrent operant assessment.

Ethical Considerations for BCBAs in Public Schools: Diverse Populations and Online Learning (BCBA CE)

Harrisonburg City schools is a diverse school division in the Shenandoah Valley. BCBAs work in an embedded coaching model at the central office level. We will be discussing how our BCBAs serve our special programs and the other supports in place, as well as the ethical considerations and challenges of working with diverse populations while we transition to online learning.

Making PE, Art and Other Specials Accessible to All Students

This session will address how to provide supports to all students in resource classes K-12 to address accessibility and opportunity for all. Division examples and experiences will be shared. This facilitated discussion will explore unique experiences and opportunities that students with disabilities are experiencing in Art, Music, and PE.

School-Based ABA: Practical Considerations for Growing a Sustainable Program (BCBA CE)

Session Description: An Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach has become a hallmark of ASD supports. From enhancing academic achievement to promoting socially significant behavior change, ABA promotes a systematic and intentional approach that is rooted in science. The increase in prevalence of ASD, focus on outcomes-driven educational services and the continued focus on one’s Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) have required school division to consider specific ABA programming to ensure the continuum of services within the special education process. In this session, participants will identify the barriers and characteristics of school-based ABA programming from the lens of one school division and explore applications and extensions of this model to support additional needs.

Structured Literacy in a Virtual World

As leaders in autism, we know the importance of providing structure, routines, and explicit instruction for students with ASD. These efforts are often applied in the areas of behavior, communication, and daily living skills, however the same efforts can be applied to literacy instruction. Whether presented in-person or virtually, literacy instruction should be provided in a systematic, explicit, and sequential manner. When teaching literacy skills virtually, it is important to know that, while your delivery platform must be altered, the content of the structured literacy instruction (SLI) stays the same. Participants will discuss the union of evidence based practices in autism with SLI, hear success stories of virtual implementation of SLI, participate in a mini structured literacy lesson, and walk away with tools to help educators implement similar lessons.