CEUs & Recertification
CEUs and Recertification
Information on Certificates, CEUs, and Licensure

Certificates of Completion
A certificate of completion is available for participants who complete various online training activities. Participants must fulfill requirements to receive the certificate.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available to participants for completion of some of our online courses or webcasts. The Continuing Education Unit is a nationally recognized method of quantifying the time spent engaging in professional development and training activities. Ten hours of instruction = 1.0 CEU. One hour of instruction = 0.1 CEU. To purchase a CEU, please contact Teri Blankenship at tcblanke@vcu.edu.
Recertification / Licensure
For teachers seeking recertification points: Points for educators working towards licensure renewal (recertification) may be awarded for completion of five or more hours of professional development activity. These hours can be achieved by viewing the webcasts (one hour each) or completing the online courses and seminars (times vary). VDOE provides the following requirements regarding professional development activities:
Point value: one point per clock/contact hour; must be a minimum of five hours per activity.
Any teacher who wants to use these items as a professional development activity for recertification needs prior approval of the school district. The school district will be responsible for designating the actual number of points that a teacher can earn for participating in the webcast. Teachers must demonstrate knowledge or skills gained as a result of viewing the webcasts and seminars and/or completing the courses. VDOE requires that teachers provide a written summary/journal of project activities completed.