Just for Parents
Just for Parents
Watch our video on trainings, resources, and tools we have available just for parents! View Video Transcript
The Parent Playbook
The Parent Playbook is designed specifically for parents and provides information about characteristics of ASD as well as vital tips, information on effective interventions, and discusses different supports and services throughout the child's lifespan. The Parent Playbook is self-paced and can be accessed online.
More Training Opportunities
MyACE Dashboard
Want an easy way to keep track of your trainings? Click here to access your personal dashboard where you can see what training options are available and track your progress! You'll need to create a free account and then you'll be able to access training opportunities by topics.
Ask the Expert Series
The Ask the Expert Series discuss important topics for parents as well as others by providing a very brief overview of the topic, discuss why it is important, and provide important tips that are relevant to the topic.
The Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence (VCU-ACE) Early Childhood website provides a wealth of resources for those raising, caring for, or educating young children with ASD. Resources can help families and providers understand Autism Spectrum Disorder, identify useful strategies that can support a child's development, and know when and how to use these strategies at home, in the community, and in the early childhood classroom.
Resources for Families
Need more? For more information and training opportunities, please visit our resources page designed specifically for parents and families of those with ASD. Included is a list of VCU-ACE training opportunities as well as other website resources, factsheets, guides, and other helpful links.
If you have additional questions, feel free to visit any of the resources on our site. Additionally, we have compiled some of the most common questions we receive from families. You can look at these by clicking here.