Return To School

When students return to school this year, there may be changes due to COVID-19. VCU-ACE has created several new resources to help support students as they navigate new rules, new routines, and new expectations.

Whats New for School This Year?

This VCU-ACE video resource will help individuals with ASD understand the potential changes they might experience this school year due to COVID-19.

What is an AB Schedule?

This VCU-ACE video resource is designed to help individuals with ASD understand what an A/B schedule is and why it is so important right now.

Returning to School Physical Distancing

This VCU-ACE video resource is designed to help individuals with ASD understand what physical distancing is, when and how to use it, and why it is so important right now.

Safe Socializing While Physical Distancing

This VCU-ACE video resource is designed to support individuals with ASD as they navigate new social rules at school because of COVID-19 changes.

Return to School After COVID-19

Return to School: What Role will Trauma Play in School and How Will You Respond, presented by Staci Carr and Carol Schall. This video is a presentation from the 2020 CoLA Summer Institute

Returning to School with COVID-19 Comic Strip