Webcast Details
Webcast Information

Dana Childress
Teaching Communication to Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Presenter Bio: Dana Childress, M.Ed., has worked in the field of early intervention for over 15 years as an early childhood special educator, service coordinator, supervisor, trainer, and writer. She currently works as part of Virginia's early intervention training team developing professional development resources and conducting web-based and in-person training. Dana is also a doctoral student in special education at Old Dominion University with interests in family centered practices, autism spectrum disorder, supporting family implementation of intervention strategies, and professional development for in-service early intervention practitioners.
Webcast Description: The webcast is designed to introduce parents, educators, and early interventionists to effective strategies for supporting the communication development of individuals with ASD in school, home, and community environments. This webcast will provide a description of the communication characteristics of young children with ASD. Both receptive and expressive communication skills will be addressed with a focus on natural environment teaching strategies. Ms. Childress will discuss strategies to target verbal language, expansion of language, functional use of communication, as well as implementation of augmentative and alternative communication systems.