Webcast Details
Webcast Information

Maureen Conroy
Supporting Social Emotional Development in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Presenter Bio: Dr. Conroy is a professor of Special Education and Early Childhood Studies in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. Dr. Conroy has extensive experience in conducting early intervention research with children who are at risk for or have social and behavioral disabilities, including children with autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Conroy has an extensive publication record in the field of autism, early intervention, and behavioral disorders with over 60 referred articles and chapters. Additionally, she is a regular presenter at international conferences on topics related to autism and behavioral disorders.
Webcast Description: Children with ASD have difficulty with demonstrating social competence and performing contextually appropriate behaviors to obtain desirable social outcomes. This webcast will provide an overview of social competence including the definition, skills and competencies that comprise social competence, and common outcomes for those with ASD who struggle in this area. Dr. Conroy will describe how to assess social functioning, and will outline strategies and interventions. A focus will be placed on implementation of interventions that fit into a hierarchical framework that includes classroom-wide intervention, natural supports, and explicit instruction.