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Photo of Carol Schall, Ph.D.

Carol Schall, Ph.D.

Much Ado about DSM 5

Presented By:
Carol Schall, Ph.D., Ph.D., VCU Autism Center for Excellence (ACE)
September 10, 2013

The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5), has caused anxiety among parents and providers over the meaning of changes in diagnostic criteria for individuals who have or may have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This webcast will provide an overview of the changes in the diagnostic criteria for ASD, according to the DSM-5.  Additionally, Dr. Schall will discuss the meaning of these changes for school psychologists and individuals currently diagnosed under the former diagnostic criteria.  Finally, Dr. Schall will discuss the relevance these changes have in the lives of families and individuals with ASD from a person-centered point of view.

Dr. Carol Schall has been learning from and supporting individuals with autism since the early 1980s. She is involved in supporting individuals across Virginia through her work as the director of the Virginia Autism Resource Center at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is well versed in completing functional behavior assessments and using positive behavior supports to develop comprehensive plans for individuals from a person-centered approach. She is a state trainer for the Positive Behavior Support project with the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. Additionally, she is the principal investigator for the VCU ASD Career Links Project.

Her research interests include the monitoring of psychotropic medication for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, transition from school to work and adulthood, and training for parents and professionals on serving individuals with developmental disabilities. Dr. Schall is listed in the 2005 and 2006 editions of Who’s Who in America and has recently been honored by TASH with their Positive Approaches Award. Finally, she is the lead author of the Youth with Autism Chapter in the 4th edition of Dr. Paul Wehman's popular book Life Beyond the Classroom and Editor of a new book on Transition and Autism by Brookes Publishing. This book, Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success Beyond the Classroom is now available through Paul H. Brookes Publishers.