Webcast Details
Webcast Information
Selena Layden

Noel Woolard
Considerations for Implementing the Administrator Checklist
Noel Woolard, VCU Autism Center for Education (ACE)
As part of our commitment to support school divisions across the state of Virginia VCU-ACE has developed two documents to assist in evaluating the classroom performance of teachers who work with students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The first, Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for ASD, is a document that is aligned with the Virginia Department of Education Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers. The second tool is a rubric that can be used to assist administrators in using Performance Standards. In a previous webcast, both tools were discussed and explained. In this follow-up webcast, we will discuss important points for divisions to consider when implementing these tools. This webcast will highlight state experts and division staff who have developed and implemented these tools sharing their experiences.