Webcast Details

Webcast Information

Determining an Effective Communication System for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Presented By:
All ACE Staff , VCU Autism Center for Education (ACE)
July 15, 2014

Learning to communicate and enhancing skills is considered to be a profound and indisputable individual right. Every student with autism spectrum disorder is to have an effective communication system that will allow him/her to interact in a meaningful way across settings and across people. The use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a way to enhance communication for  a variety of students with ASD.  It can be effective for those with  no or limited verbal abilities, but can also be beneficial for those who are able to speak but cannot communicate their full potential. 

As part of our statewide goal, the VCU Autism Center for Excellence, in collaboration with professionals from across the state, has developed tools and resources to assist teams in identifying and implementing appropriate AAC systems for students with ASD.   This webcast is designed to provide an overview of the following tools:  AAC Consideration Flow Chart, AAC Inventory, and the AAC Feature Analysis. The presenter will describe each tool, identify its purpose, and provide directions on its use.