Webcast Details
Webcast Information

Alex Amos

Sara Kasubick
We're Better Together
Sara Kasubick, Teacher, Frederick County Public Schools in Virginia
During our webcast, we will be discussing the benefits of a co-taught classroom and having the students take an active role in their education. We will share how we work together with the students to provide them with the tools and resources they need to be successful. Our webcast will focus on getting students to be proactive in recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. By doing so, students will be able to participate in their own Individualize Education Plan (I.E.P.) meetings and develop a stronger understanding of their personal learning goals.
Alex Amos and Sara Kasubick are co-teachers of a fourth grade classroom at Bass-Hoover Elementary, which is part of Frederick County Public Schools in Virginia. They have been working together for two years. Their classroom follows an open-concept inclusion model of teaching. They have 53 students with two general education teachers and one special education teacher in our classroom. Combined, they have almost 20 years of experience in the classroom setting.