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Webcast Information

Tammy Burns
Summer is Almost Here: Now What Do I Do? A Parent’s Perspective
Summer is right around the corner. That means warmer weather, longer days, and of course schools out! As summer approaches, parents are asking “now what?” This webinar will focus on the parent’s perspective of summer and what summer means for families of individuals with autism. Tips will be shared on how to really know what type of activities to look for based upon the child’s strengths and interest, as well as how to open doors to opportunities in the community.
Bio: Tammy Burns, M.Ed. is the Outreach and Program Director at the Autism Society Central Virginia. Tammy has a long relationship with the Autism Society beginning with the diagnosis of her middle son, Jared, in 2000. Tammy has held leadership positions with the Society, including service as Board President, and Office Manager. Tammy received her BA from Virginia Tech in Elementary Education, and received her Masters of Education in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) from Arizona State. Tammy is a Partners in Policymaking Graduate, and a volunteer Family Navigator for the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCUHS). Tammy is a Certified Sibshop leader. She also serves at the Chair of the Chesterfield County Special Education Advisory Committee. Tammy and her husband, Troy, have three children – Brett (20), Jared (19) and Amber (16)
* This webcast was cofunded by the Virginia Department of Education (Grant #881-APE61172-H027A170107) and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number #90DP0051).